Many people have different and diminished access to health resources and we act with intention to create a place where there is equal opportunity for health, wealth and abundance for everyone in our healing community. HEALTH IS FOR ALL

  •, black woman with glasses and red shirtsmiling

  •, woman from phillipines holds flower and looks away from camera, profile of her face

  • /, black person with overalls holds up pride flag behind them

To be specific, we would like to name the following intersecting communities of the people we are doing this work for, while honouring that people may identify in more ways than one… Black people, Indigenous people and People of Culture and Colour (BIPOC); people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning, intersex, Two-spirit and non-conforming/non-binary people; disabled people; neurodivergent people; people living in poverty; undocumented people; immigrants; the homeless; people with addictions; sex workers and other marginalized people.

We create equity with our dollars, voices, attention and actions.  We are continuously learning how to decolonize our delivery of medicine, while we endeavour to create a ‘safer’ place to heal. We have woven anti-racism training into our team building process and we create dialogue to encourage people in our network to do the same. When we are presented an opportunity we ask ourselves: “how can we share this while honouring our values of diversity, equity and inclusion?”.

We successfully launched our first low cost clinic in January 2023. If you are curious about contributing to future offers, including residency/internship placements, please contact us.