Castor Oil Packs: How do I do one and what are they good for?

Castor oil packs are a traditional remedy that continue to be used today because of their functional impact on inflammation, pelvic health, digestion, the nervous system and detoxification processes. Castor oil comes from the plant knowns as Ricinus communis. In some traditions, castor oil is used as a laxative when taken orally. Topical use of the oil was popularized by the modern mystic Edgar Cayce, who described many ways in which a castor oil application could be used therapeutically. We will be taking you through the topical use of this oil to create health and support the above mentioned systems.

Castor oil is used in treatment plans for:

  • Liver and gallbladder disorders

  • Hormones

  • Skin disorders

  • Nervous system support (relaxing in simpler terms)

  • Gynecological complaints such as: non malignant cysts, endometriosis, cramps, breast complaints, plugged milk ducts, and fibroids

  • Inflammation, detoxification or pain

  • Digestive disorders (IBS, IBD, bloating, cramping, constipation)

  • Scarring

Castor oil packs are a gentle, safe, relaxing way to support your health. The pack works on your parasympathetic nervous system, specifically your vagus nerve and your lymphatic system to support detoxification. The heat will also bring blood flow to your main organs of digestion and elimination (gut, liver, gallbladder and kidneys) and other locations depending on your pack and heat location. There are compounds in castor oil that act as minor (healthy) stimulants of your lymphatic and immune system. Some evidence may suggest that castor oil packs may modulate prostaglandin cascades.

The THCL Castor Oil Kit Includes (Stocked in our apothecary):

  • 1 unbleached cotton fabric tie

  • 1 natural & untreated square of wool flannel

  • 1 beeswax wrap made from unbleached cotton, beeswax and propolis (from sweet.sombra.honey)

  • 200mL bottle of organic, cold pressed castor oil (St. Francis Herb Farm)

  • 1 rubber hot water bottle

(Most of these items can be found at your local pharmacy, health food store or nearby small business, if you would like to assemble your own).  

How To Do a Castor Oil Pack

  1. Boil 1 kettle full of water.

  2. Pour hot water into a hot water bottle.(Note, water bottles can weaken over time so make sure to replace your water bottle every few months or follow specific directions on them to prevent burns; alternatively you can pour hot water in them and replace the water when it cools).

  3. Lie down a sheet/towel/fabric that you don’t mind getting stained or oily. Grab a t-shirt that you are ready to say goodbye to.

  4. Castor oil is used topically on the skin by soaking a piece of natural & untreated wool flannel with castor oil. Try 1/4 -1/3 cup of castor oil or enough to soak the fabric so its fully saturated but not dripping. We recommend putting the fabric in a medium glass/ceramic food storage dish to do this step. This will become your storage container between uses. A top up of castor oil may be required every so often. We suggest 2-4 weeks before topping up again.

  5. Once soaked, the flannel can be placed over the upper right side of the abdomen around the ribs (or targeted area recommended by your ND). Here is a picture of where the liver is. Next place the natural beeswax wrap over the soaked flannel to contain some of the heat and make less of a mess.

  6. Once the beeswax wrap is placed over the soaked fabric, place 1-2 layers of a small towel (again, say goodbye to this one…) Now place on your hot water bottle over the towel-beeswax wrap-flannel sandwich. Be mindful of your heat tolerance. It is important not to burn yourself. The hot water bottle should be really warm, but never to the point of intense heat or pain. The hot water bottle shouldn’t be too cold either. Find that sweet spot, which is often just tolerable at the beginning and then a slow warm decline from there.

  7. Use the tie included in your kit to secure the hot water into place over the pack. Wrap the tie around your whole body and secure them with a bow, like you are wrapping yourself up as a nice present. This will secure the hot water bottle into place so you can be at ease. Many patients will fall asleep during a castor oil treatment so this holds the pack in place if you move. Put on your old t-shirt and glide into ease.

  8. Leave the pack on for a minimum of 20-30 minutes and upwards to 1 hour. Lying on your back on a comfy pad, couch or bed is recommended. This time should be used to connect with different body organs, mindfulness, listening to gentle music, meditation or visualization. 

  9. After your desired time is up, you can disassemble by putting the castor oil pack back into the medium sized food storage container. You can cover with your beeswax wrap and place it in the fridge until next use. This pack can be safely stored for up to 6 months.

Other Considerations..

For acute pain you can use the castor oil pack as needed. 

For chronic conditions 3-5 times per week is a common recommendation.

The disclaimer… The amazing thing about humans is that we all have incomparably unique health profiles and needs. The health-related information contained in this article is intended to be general in nature and should not be used prescriptively or a as a substitute for a visit with a naturopathic doctor. This info is intended to offer general information to individuals. If you have questions about how these strategies could be used in adjunct to your current heath regime, book and appointment with us or consult a licensed naturopathic doctor for individualized care.


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