Unlocking the door for tomorrow with the keys of the past and present. 

Health history is an under-rated tool. We get so much rich information from diving into how we got to where we are. Often when we are in a health crisis, we find ourselves asking “how did i get here?” In most cases, we have to go back in time, reflect and remember what series of events occurred leading up to our current experience. 

This process requires vulnerability. How far we are willing to look and with what accuracy are a few variables determining how vulnerable we might be able to be. 

It can be hard to reach into the depths of the past. To remember. To communicate this to another person. 

From a Health Creation perspective the healthy history comprises of multiple parts. First, we have the medical history — diagnosis, interventions, medications, etc. Then we have the social history — your family, your living situation, the work you do/have done, etc. 

In a previous post the family history was mentioned as being one of the those variables where we can look far down the lineage and ask questions like “is this healing i am part of related to my ancestors?”.

We want to take multiple angles when thinking about history. What is obvious, like medical history, but also what is hidden. These nuances can be found in the details. These pieces of the story are often skipped over when there isn’t a generous amount of time and patience. 

A timeline becomes so valuable here. When exactly did that occur? Where were you? Who were you with? What were the circumstances? We find detailed experiences and string them all together like pearls on a string. Patterns are revealed. Aspects that were forgotten emerge. 

Once we have a good sense of the past experience, we re-focus on the present. We’ve loosely landed on how we got here, now defining what “here” is and feels like is critical.

The past informs. It reveals. 

The present is honest, is states exactly where we are at. Not where we ought to be, or want to be, but what truly is the experience right now. 

Then of course, we have to decide what to do about it. But that is a later discussion. 

We are here. We got here for a reason. It wasn’t an accident or a mistake. One’s current experience emerges from the details of what has come before. 

And then there is that vulnerability piece again. To be radically honest about where you are at right now. All the details, however beautiful or ugly it may be. To be able to just say the words is  healing. Often folks are sharing crucial details that have never been uttered before. It’s miraculous what emerges from simply saying what is true for us. 

As a clinician, we have to listen very carefully. What is being said, what is not being said, the particular language that is being used. The gestures, the tone, the feelings we see and feel in our own bodies as listeners. All valuable information. 

This is why naturopathic doctors take time to gather health history. It is a very important part of what we do. We cannot be effective detectives without this critical tool. 


Stabilizing Strategies During Big Changes